Posts Tagged ‘chris nesladek’

Google I/O 2009 Android Sessions

Was looking up the Google I/O conference for this year and saw a few interesting Android talks:

Turbo-charge your UI: How to make your Android UI fast and efficient by Romain Guy
Learn practical tips, techniques and tricks for making your Android applications fast and responsive. This session will focus on optimizations recommended by the Android framework team to make the best use of the UI toolkit.

Pixel perfect code: How to marry interaction and visual design the Android way by Chris Nesladek
A great user experience incorporates three pillars: structure, behavior, and expression. This talk will explore the wide variety of interaction design patterns we have built into the Android system framework to help educate you on the best way to use these pattern-based behaviors for an optimized user experience.

Supporting multiple devices with one binary
The Android platform is designed to run on a wide variety of hardware configurations. Learn how to take advantage of the application framework to make your application run on a wide variety of devices without having to build a custom version for each.

Android Lightning Talks (this looks like a fun one!)
Join your fellow developers for a series of lightning talks. If you’ve done a cool hack involving Android, if you’ve devised a clever technique for a common problem, or even if you just want to get up on your soapbox for 6 minutes to appeal to your fellow developers, this is the session for you. We’re opening up this session for a sequence of 8 6-minute slots, where anyone can propose a topic. Attendees will vote on the talks they’d like to hear most, and then it’s off to the races. But be wary of the 6 minute limit, or taste the wrath of The Gong.

Debugging Arts of the Ninja Masters by Justin Mattson
Ever have one of those days where your application just doesn’t run correctly, and you can’t figure out why? Well, we’ve been there, and we’re going to show you how to fix it. In this session, Justin Mattson will school you on the advanced usage of Android debugging tools like traceview, the hierarchy viewer, and the instrumentation system. He’ll also present several case studies where Google used these tools to solve real world problems, and show you the before-and-after results.

Coding for Life — Battery Life, That Is by Jeffrey Sharkey
The three most important considerations for mobile applications are, in order: battery life, battery life, and battery life. After all, if the battery is dead, no one can use your application. In this session, Android engineer Jeffrey Sharkey will reveal the myriad ways — many unexpected — that your application can guzzle power and irritate users. You’ll learn about how networking affects battery life, the right and wrong ways to use Android-specific features such as wake locks, why you can’t assume that it’s okay to trade memory for time, and more.

Writing Real-Time Games for Android by Chris Pruett
Do vertex arrays keep you up at night? Do you have nightmares involving framerates and event loops? If so, this session might have the cure for your condition. Chris Pruett will discuss the game engine that he developed, using it as a case study to explain the common pitfalls and best practices for building graphics-intensive applications. You’ll learn how to properly pipeline game and rendering code, manage drawing surfaces, and incorporate 2D and 3D graphics cleanly.

Hope to see you there at one or all of these sessions!

BTW, first heard about this via Twitter and then on the Google Developer Blog post by Dan Morrill
