Posts Tagged ‘influencers’

Interview with Beth Rogozinski, Co-founder of #socialgaming

I’m just loving the blending of gamification into all verticals these days. In the past social media marketing hangouts I’ve talked with the folks from Badgeville and they’ve provided some great insight into enterprise adoption (watch this episode). In the most recent episode of our social media marketing hangout we chatted with a new startup in San Francisco called and their CEO Beth Rogozinski. Their platform provides a way for brands to engage with their fans/influencers by playing a game to determine their preferences and then recommending a solution which for brand’s is a call to action (e.g. coupon, purchase link, etc..). Watch the interview below to learn more.


0:00 -2:11 Intro to Beth and her background in filmmaking, gaming and digital marketing

2:11 – 4:16 Definition of Social Gaming and what the latest trends are

4:16 – 5:40 Why would businesses want to incorporate social gaming?

5:40 – 15:55 What is and how it helps brands increase fan engagement

15:55 – 22:30 What is Transmedia?

22:30 – 25:45 Measuring Social Gamification Campaigns

25:45 – 28:00 Transmedia SF meetup info including Nov. 27th Producer’s Guide to the Galaxy & January 18 Transmedia Startup weekend

29:00 – 30:52 What are the next steps for businesses to add social gamification into their user experience

31:36 – 33:00 Demo of iOS Transmedia & Social Game called Lost Spells

33:01 – 34:31 What do you think of Zynga’s predicament

34:32 – 36:40 What is the better business model – subscription vs. freemium?

36:55 – 38:24 What is the target audience / demographic of social gaming consumers?

38:24 – 41:02 Contact Info and Next Social Hangout topic: Kickstarter Campaigns

New Video: How to start & measure an influencer program?

Today, I invited two social media experts – Eric Montoya from Badgeville and Tom Diederich from Plan B Social Media – to talk about influencer programs.  Eric’s most recent background is in gamification for enterprises and Tom on community and social media management for Fortune 500 companies. Here are the questions we answered and always open to your questions so make sure to comment on this blog post:

  • What are influencer programs and why are they beneficial to businesses
  • Why and how to create your own program?
  • What metrics/KPIs do you measure the success of your program?
  • What are some examples of good ones and bad ones?
  • How do you choose your influencers?
  • Do you need to reward them?
  • Who manages influencer programs and where do they sit in the organization?


Measuring Twitter’s Influence

So you got that Twitter account and people are following you (and you’re following @oprah just for the heck of it)..Great job! Now how are you suppose to use it for your business and your boss is asking “how do you measure Twitter’s influence on our company’s goals?” – good question boss.  Remember, Twitter is used by consumers to talk about what is going on in their life plus they use it as a search engine to find the latest trends/news/etc…

If you are interested in measuring your impact to the Twitter community take into account the following:

  • Impressions – how many times do people talk about your brand. count the # of mentions per week
  • Influencer impressions – how many times do people re-tweet and how many followers does each influencer have. This will show the reach that you have on Twitter.
  • # of active conversations – hopefully you are using Twitter as a two way conversation and responding to people that have questions
  • Average klout score of your followers – Klout is a way to measure your follower’s influence.

If you are interesting in measuring how Twitter impacts your bottom-line:

  • Determine the amount of traffic your website gets from Twitter
  • Determine an actual goal that they would do on your website, e.g. download software, and see if you can use some type of campaign tracker to see how many downloads come from Twitter. Google Analytics is a free tool and has some basic functionality for tracking campaigns.
  • Ask your yourself “How does Twitter impact my goals versus other channels?”. Twitter vs. Facebook vs. direct email vs. paid search.

Hope this gives you a better grasp of how to measure Twitter.  If at all, it plants the seed that you need to measure and not jump on the bandwagon.




Are Social Media Experts Being Hired Outside of Marketing?

Being hired as a social media expert has increased in the past year with companies realizing the low-cost and high-value of engaging with customers and finding the influencers of their products.   One issue that hasn’t been standardized is which org/division does the social media expert get hired into: PR, product group, marketing, customer support, etc… Of course the goal for any company should be an open social media engagement standard for employees (ala but this study is more about that first person that is hired into a company.   I decided to research this phenomenom of where social media experts reside within a company by asking the question on LinkedIn Answers (a great business networking product – better for me than Yahoo! Answers).  Check out the answers to the question by going to the below url. If you work as a social media expert make sure to answer the question too. Thanks.


LinkedIn Profile

Is Social Media Killing PR? Find out Nov. 12 in SF.

Is it necessary to send out the usual press release to PRnewswire and Businesswire? Is that going to get you the engagement and attention from the press, bloggers, and your target audience?  That will be the topic of discussion at an upcoming panel in San Francisco on Nov. 12 hosted by the Horn Group (pr agency to Motorola Good). Panelists include:

  • Jeremiah Oywang – Forrester Research & Web Strategist
  • Kara Swisher -The Wall Street Journal & All Things Digital
  • Susan Etlinger -Horn Group
  • and a special guest (ohhh…who could it be?!?)

RSVP & More info at

Hope to see you there. Email me if you are going to go.


Is Social Media Killing PR